5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 43
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
bee noun The honey bee is a hard worker. type of insect
beef noun Americans like to eat beef. meat of cattle
beer noun Qingdao is famous for its beer. alcoholic drink
beetle noun A large beetle crawled up her leg. type of insect
before prep. He was standing before the house. in front of
conj. Before you go close the door. prior to
adv. We saw that movie before. previously
beforehand adv. We prepared the dinner beforehand. ahead of time
beg verb It is difficult to beg for food. plead
verb I beg you to be careful. implore
beggar noun The beggar was very dirty. panhandler
begin verb You should begin at once. start
beginning noun Start at the beginning. starting place