5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 337
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
mayor noun She was the mayor of the city. city leader
me pron. Give me that book. objective of I
meadow noun Flowers are blooming in the meadow. grassland
mean verb Red sky at night can mean fair weather. indicates
verb Did she mean to turn right intend
adj. He was regarded as a mean man. ill-tempered
means noun The end justifies the means. methods
noun He had the means to buy the house. money
meaning noun I don't understand your meaning. intention
meantime noun In the meantime I will go to sleep. interval
meanwhile adv. Meanwhile, life goes on. at the same time
measure noun We wanted to get a full measure. amount
noun The new measure allows pay increases. law
verb I will measure you for a coat. gauge