6001 - 7000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 30

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
dwindle verb Our supplies dwindled wit each passing day. became less until little remained
dynasty noun The Qin dynasty unified China. group maintaining power
eaves noun The eaves were painted with decorative patterns. overhanging edge of roof
ebb verb The ocean tide will soon ebb. recede
ecstasy noun He was in ecstasy over his promotion intense joy
eddy noun We enjoyed watching the eddy in the river. current opposite in direction
edifice noun That tower was an imposing edifice, an elaborate structure
elaborate adj. The wedding ended with an elaborate dinner. planned with great attention
eloquence noun She gave a speech with great eloquence. persuasive, powerful
embark verb We must embark on the plan with enthusiasm. set out in a venture