6001 - 7000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 57

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
medieval adj. That axe originated in medieval times. relating or belonging to the middle ages
meditate verb I need to meditate about that for a while. consider or refect for at length
membrane noun The muscle was covered by a membrane. thin, pliable layer of tissue
memorial noun They planned a memorial for the fallen heros. monument to honor
merge verb We will merge the two companies. to combine or unite
meteor noun We saw a meteor in the southern skies. bright streak, shooting star
metropolis noun I don't like living in a metropolis. large major city
migrate verb Many birds migrate before winter. move to another area or region
militia noun That army was mostly composed of militia. ordinary citizens
mince verb Don't mince your words, say what you mean. moderate because of politeness