6001 - 7000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 89

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
steeple noun The steeple on the church needs painting. a tall tower usually with a spire
stenographer noun She trained to be a stenographer. skilled to transcribe dictation
stereotype noun As a judge he did seem to fit the stereotype. conventional conception
sterling noun He was paid in pounds sterling. British money
adj. He possessed a sterling character. of highest quality
adj. We bought some sterling silver. standard fineness, 0.50 for silver
stifle verb Our leader attempted to stifle all objections. interrupt, cut off
stimulus noun It proved to be the stimulus we needed. an action to elicits a response
strenuous adj. Moving the machine required a strenuous effort. vigorous, energetic, extreme exertion
stupendous adj. Only with stupendous effort we moved the machine. outstanding force, great