7001 - 8000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 15

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
browse verb She browsed the shop looking for a dress. to inspect things in a leisurely and casual way
bun noun He put meat in the bun and made a hamburger. a small bread roll
buoy noun A number of buoys marked the ship channel. a floating moored marker of danger or channel
buoyant adj. At the party he was in a buoyant mood. lighthearted; gay
bureaucracy noun Ideas get bogged down in red tape and bureaucracy. follows mindless needless procedures
cactus noun Be careful when walking near cactus. any of various succulent spiny leafless plants
cafeteria noun We ate our lunch in the company cafeteria. a restaurant you carry food to your table
calorie noun To diet you must count each calorie measurement of food energy to body
camouflage noun We used camouflage to hide our military equipment. concealment by disguise to appear natural
candid adj. I gave them my candid opinion. free from prejudice; impartial