Spelling Rules -- Making Noun Plurals - Page 3
Rule 9: The plurals of words ending in -o can be formed by adding either -s or -es. Many words can be formed either way. You need to check a dictionary. Three helpful rules with a table can help.
Rule 9A: All words that end in a vowel plus an -o (-ao, -eo, -io, -oo, -uo) have plurals that ends in just -s.
1. studio --- studios 2. duo --- duos 3. trio --- trios 4. stereo --- stereos 5. tattoo --- tattoos
Rule 9B: All musical terms ending in -o have plurals in just -s.
1. piano --- pianos 2. cello --- cellos 3. solo --- solos 4. banjo --- banjos 5. alto --- altos 6. soprono --- sopranos
Rule 9C: Some plural forms ending in -o end in -os or -oes. Some may use either. See Tables below.
Only -os
1. albinos 2. armadillos 3. autos 4. bravos 5. broncos 6. casinos 7. combos
8. gazebos 9. infernos 10. kimonos 11. logos 12. maraschinos 13. ponchos 14. sombreros
15. tacos 16. torsos 17. tobaccos 18. typos      
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