Page 6 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
81. doubtfully verb Doubtfully she pondered the outcome. of uncertain outcome; undecided; doubts about legitimacy
82. drably verb She was drably arrayed at the dance. faded and dull in appearance; dreary cheerless; bleak
83. drastically verb He drastically reduced the office budget. severe and radical in nature; extreme;
84. dreadfully verb She dreadfully recalled the accident. extremely unpleasant; distasteful or shocking
85. drunkenly verb He drunkenly staggered down the road. delirious with strong drink; intoxicated
86. dubiously verb She was dubiously involved with the scheme. Fraught with uncertainty of doubt; undecided
87. dully verb He was dully aware of us being there. intellectually weak of obtuse; stupid lacking alertness
88. egotistically verb He egotistically described his part in the action. conceited, boastful person; selfish person
89. enticingly verb Enticingly the money sat on the table. attract by arousing hope or desire; lure
90. enviably verb Enviably we decided to go. so desirable as to arouse compliance
91. enviously verb She enviously gazed at the jewelry. resentfully desirous of other's advantages
92. erotically verb He erotically stared at her figure. concerning sexual love and desire
93. erroneously verb They came to the conclusion erroneously. derived from error; mistaken
94. excessively verb He excessively spent the company's money. exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable or proper limit
95. expediently verb She expediently solved his problem appropriate to a purpose; concern only for self-interest
96. falsely verb They falsely accused the man of theft. contrary to fact or truth; deliberately untrue
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