Page 10 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
145. immovably verb Immovably they resisted all efforts to change. impossible to move or alter; unyielding in principle
146. impatiently verb Impatiently she said how angry she felt. unable to wait or tolerate delay; restless; anxious
147. imperiously adjective It was an imperiously arrogant attitude. arrogantly domineering or overbearing
148. impertinently verb The boy impertinently stated he hated us. the state or an example of disrespectful rudeness
149. impetuously verb He impetuously screamed for them to stop. heedlessness, hasty; forceful energy or emotion
150. impolitely verb They impolitely told us to shut up. discourteous; not polite
151. impudently verb Impudently they shouted down all objections. showing a lack of respect; insolent or impertinent
152. impulsively verb Impulsively she screamed at everyone. showing a lack of discernment; rash, careless; thoughtless
153. inaccurately verb Inaccurately he told his recollection of events. mistaken or incorrect; faulty
154. inadequately verb Inadequately she described her problems. insufficient to fulfill a need or meet a requirement
155. inanely adjective It was an inanely stupid idea. lacking sense or substance; empty; devoid of meaning
156. incessantly adjective We heard an incessantly mournful wail. continuing without interruption
157. incoherently verb He began to incoherently babble about nothing. lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony
158. inconsistently adjective He showed an inconsistently irrational behavior. not regular predictable; erratic; contradictory
159. incorrectly verb She incorrectly described the situation. not correct; erroneous or wrong
160. indecently verb She often dressed indecently. offensive to good taste; unseemly; immodest
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