Page 15 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
225. oppressively verb The king oppressively taxed his subjects. difficult to bear; using power unjustly; tyrannical
226. opulently verb She opulently displayed her status. exhibiting great wealth; affluent
227. outlandishly adjective It was an outlandishly strange behavior. conspicuously unconventional; bizarre
228. overconfidently verb He overconfidently declared a victory. excessive confidence; presumptuous
229. parsimoniously verb He parsimoniously doled out the money. excessively sparing or frugal; stingy
230. pathetically adjective He gave a pathetically feeble reply. arousing scornful pity;
231. perilously verb He was perilously close to failure. full of or involving danger; risky
232. pessimistically verb His pessimistically approached each problem. tendency to stress the negative or gloomiest view
233. petulantly verb She petulantly stamped her feet and left. unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish
234. pointlessly adjective He gave a pointlessly silly explanation. lack of meaning; senseless
235. pompously verb She pompously stated her personal preference. excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity
236. ponderously verb He ponderously labored over a minor point. lacking grace or fluency; labored and dull
237. poorly verb They never played more poorly. not adequate in quality; inferior
238. pornographically verb The book pornographically described scenes. pictures, writing material that is sexually explicit
239. prematurely verb They prematurely disclosed the right answer. occurring before customary or correct time
240. preposterously adjective She gave a preposterously poor solution. contrary to nature, reason or common sense; absurd
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