Some Confusing English Words - Page 5
    41. bases, basis
  1. Bases - the plural of base and basis
  2. Basis - foundation
    42. bazaar, bizarre
  1. Bazaar - a marketplace
  2. Bizarre - strange or weird
    43. beat, beet
  1. Beat - to throb; tempo; to strike
  2. Beet - a vegetable
    44. berry, bury
  1. Berry - a fruit
  2. Bury - to submerge; to cover over
    45. berth, birth
  1. Berth - a bed; a space for a ship to dock
  2. Birth - being born
    46. beside, besides
  1. Beside - by the side of
  2. Besides - in addition to
    47. biannual, biennial
  1. Biannual - occurring twice a year
  2. Biennial - occurring once in two years
    48. bibliography, biography
  1. Bibliography - list of writings used as sources
  2. Biography - a written history of a person's life
    49. billed, build
  1. Billed - charged
  2. Build - to construct
    50. blew, blue
  1. Blew - the past tense of blow
  2. Blue - a color