Some Confusing English Words - Page 7
    61. cache, cash
  1. Cache - a hiding place
  2. Cash - ready money
    62. calendar, calender, colander
  1. Calendar - a record of time
  2. Calender - a machine used in finishing paper and cloth
  3. Colander - a strainer
    63. callous, callus
  1. Callous - hardened
  2. Callus - a hardened surface
    64. can, may
  1. Can - the ability to do something
  2. May - the permission to do something
    65. canvas, canvass
  1. Canvas - a coarse cloth
  2. Canvass - to solicit
    66. capital, capitol, Capitol
  1. capital - a city serving as the seat of government
  2. capitol - the building in which a state government meets
  3. Capitol - the building where the U.S, Congress meets
    67. carat, caret, carrot, karat
  1. Carat - the weight of a stone such as a diamond
  2. Caret - this mark ^
  3. Carrot - an orange vegetable
    68. carton, cartoon
  1. Carton - a pasteboard box
  2. Cartoon - a caricature
    69. casual, causal
  1. Casual - without formality
  2. Causal - constituting a cause
    70. cease, seize
  1. Cease - to stop
  2. Seize - to grasp