161. fewer, less
Use fewer to describe plural words
Use less to describe singular words
162. finale, finally, finely
Finale - the end
Finally - at the last
Finely - in a fine manner
163. fineness, finesse
Fineness - delicacy
Finesse - tact
164. fir, fur
Fir - a type of tree
Fur - the skin of an animal
165. flair, flare
Flair - aptitude
Flare - a light; a signal
166. flaunt, flout
Flaunt - to display showily
Flout - to treat with contempt
167. flew. flue, flu
Flew - did fly
Flue - a chimney
Flu - short for influenza
168. flounder, founder
Flounder - to move clumsily; a fish
Founder - to collapse; to sink; one who established something
169. flour, flower
Flour - ground meal
Flower - a blossom
170. for, fore, four
For - a preposition
Fore - first; preceding; the front
Four - the cardinal number of 4