Words, Words and Words Is the Ending or IZE, ISE or YZE?
A. Most words end in ize.
  1. apologize
  2. authorize
  3. characterize
  4. criticize
  5. economize
  1. emphasize
  2. minimize
  3. organize
  4. prize
  5. realize
  1. recognize
  2. specialize
  3. summarize
  4. vandalize
  5. visualize
B. A number of words end in ise.
  1. advertise
  2. advise
  3. arise
  4. compromise
  5. devise
  1. disguise
  2. enterprise
  3. exercise
  4. franchise
  5. improvise
  1. merchandise
  2. revise
  3. supervise
  4. surprise
  5. televise
C. Only a few of words end in yse.
1. analyze 2. paralyze 3. catalyze