Killer Whale

Fish Stereotypes - Whales - 6 - Page 1

Man-eating, gentle, intelligent

Due to their enormous size people have feared that whales will devour any creature. In reality whales live of plankton and are unable to swallow bigger creatures. Whales range in size from the blue whale, the largest animal known to have ever existed at 98 ft) to pygmy species such as the pygmy sperm whale at 11 ft). Whales inhabit all the world's oceans and number in the millions, with annual population growth rate estimates for various species ranging from 3% to 13%.

The female usually delivers a single calf, which is birthed tail-first to minimize the risk of drowning. Whale cows nurse by actively squirting milk into the mouths of their young. This milk is so rich in fat that it has the consistency of toothpaste. In many species, nursing continues for more than a year and is associated with a strong bond between mother and calf.

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Killer Whale

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