Spotted Hyena

Mammal Stereotypes - Hyenas - 17 - Page 1

Comical, always-laughing, fear, contempt

Hyenas or hyaenas are the animals of the family Hyaenidae of the feliform suborder of the Carnivora. With only four species, it is the fourth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora, and one of the smallest in the class Mammalia. Hyenas feature prominently in the folklore and mythology of human cultures with which they are sympatric. Hyenas are mostly viewed with fear and contempt, as well as being associated with witchcraft.

Although long reputed to be cowardly scavengers, hyenas, especially spotted hyenas, kill as much as 95% of the food they eat, and have been known to drive off leopards or lionesses from their kills. Hyenas are primarily nocturnal animals, but may venture from their lairs in the early-morning hours. With the exception of the highly social spotted hyena, hyenas are generally not gregarious animals, though they may live in family groups and congregate at kills

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Spotted Hyena

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