List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 50

SYNONYMS: boring, monotonous, tedious, irksome, tiresome, humdrum.
These adjectives refer to what is so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.

Boring implies feelings of listlessness and discontent: I had expected the book to be boring, but on the contrary it was fascinating.
What is monotonous bores because of lack of variety: There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea.
Tedious suggests dull slowness or long-windedness: When we travel from, we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train.
Irksome describes what is demanding of time and effort and yet is dull and often unrewarding: I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is.
Something tiresome fatigues because it seems to be interminable or to be marked by unremitting sameness: What a tiresome being is a man who is fond of talking.
Humdrum refers to what is commonplace, trivial, or unexcitingly routine: She led a humdrum existence -- all work and no play.

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