List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 125

SYNONYMS: distant, far, far-off, faraway, remote, removed.
These adjectives mean apart from others in space, time, or relationship.

Distant can indicate a specific separation (a house a mile distant from town), or it can indicate an indefinite but sizable interval (heard the sound of distant traffic).
Far applies to what is a great distance off: We come from a far country.
Far-off and faraway imply an even greater distance than far: troops on far-off shores; faraway mountains.
Remote not only means faraway but suggests isolation from the speaker's locality or point in time: remote stars; a remote outpost of civilization; the remote past.
Removed implies distinct separation between two entities in place, time, kind, or character: a civilization ten centuries removed from modern times; a place far removed from towns and cities.

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