List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 135

SYNONYMS: eject, expel, evict, dismiss, oust.
These verbs mean to put out by force.

To eject is to throw or cast out from within: The fire ejected yellow flames into the night sky. The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.
Expel means to drive out or away; it implies permanent removal: expelled the invaders from the country; expel a student from a university.
Evict most commonly refers to the expulsion of persons from property, as for failing to live up to the terms of a lease, by legal process: They evicted the tenants.
Dismiss refers to putting someone or something out of one's mind (trying to dismiss his fears) or, in law, to refusing to give something, such as an appeal or a complaint, further consideration He dismissed the case.
Oust is applied chiefly to the removing of persons from a position, such as a political office, by means lawful or otherwise: They're grounds for ousting him.

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