List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 204

SYNONYMS: injure, harm, hurt, damage, impair, mar, spoil.
These verbs mean to affect detrimentally.

Injure can refer to acts that have an adverse effect on health, appearance, prospects, or well-being: She was badly injured in an accident. Malicious gossip could injure his chances of success. It can also mean to treat another unjustly or wrongfully: Those that are not favored will think themselves injured.
Harm and hurt refer principally to what causes pain, distress, diminution, or loss: Gypsy moths harm foliage. Failure to pay his bills has harmed his credit. A hailstorm hurt the apple crop. My feelings are hurt.
Damage usually implies injury that decreases value, usefulness, desirability, or effectiveness: A falling tree damaged the roof. The scandal seriously damaged the senator's reputation.
Impair refers to what diminishes, as in quality: The patient's intelligence has been impaired by a brain injury.
To mar is to impair by or as if by disfiguring: Faulty intonation marred the performance.
To spoil is to impair and ultimately destroy the value, excellence, or strength of: Worrying about business spoiled our evening.

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