List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 280

SYNONYMS: pamper, indulge, humor, spoil, coddle, mollycoddle, baby.
These verbs all mean to cater excessively to someone or to his or her desires or feelings.

To pamper is to gratify appetites, tastes, or desires, as for rich food or luxurious comforts: The boy had been pampered from childhood.
Indulge suggests a kindly or excessive lenience in yielding to wishes, inclinations, or impulses, especially those better left unfulfilled: I do indulge in a little pleasure.
Humor implies compliance with or accommodation to another's mood or idiosyncrasies: We tried to humor his strange ideas.
Spoil implies over solicitude or excessive indulgence that adversely affects the character, nature, or attitude: He seems to be in no danger of being spoiled by good fortune.
Coddle and mollycoddle point to tender, overprotective care that often leads to weakening of character: I would not coddle the child. Stop mollycoddling me; I'm a grown person.
Baby suggests bestowing on someone the indulgence and attention one might give to an infant: She babied her sick husband.

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