List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 304

SYNONYMS: provoke, incite, excite, stimulate, arouse, rouse, stir.
These verbs are compared in the sense of moving a person to action or feeling or summoning something into being by moving a person in this way.

Provoke, the least explicit with respect to means, frequently does little more than state the consequences produced: Do not provoke my wrath.
To incite is to provoke and urge on: The insurrection was incited by members of the outlawed opposition.
Excite especially implies the provoking of a strong reaction or powerful emotion: The play excites little interest or curiosity.
To stimulate is to excite to activity or to renewed vigor of action as if by spurring or goading: Our interest was stimulated by finding gold.
Arouse and rouse suggest awakening, as from inactivity or apathy; rouse, the stronger term, often implies incitement to vigorous or animated activity or excitement of strong emotion: We must arouse the people. His mother endeavored to rouse him from his sleep.
To stir is to prompt to activity, to arouse strong but usually agreeable feelings, or to provoke trouble or commotion: I have seldom been so stirred by any speech.

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