List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 324

SYNONYMS: remainder, rest, balance, residue, remnant, leavings, remains.
These nouns are compared as they denote what is left after a part has been used or subtracted.

Remainder and rest, used interchangeably, are the least specific: ate some of the candy and gave the remainder (or rest) away; will spend the remainder (or rest) of the day relaxing.
Balance, which often specifically refers to an amount of money left in a bank account after withdrawals and to an unpaid amount due on a charge account, in its general sense is synonymous with remainder and rest: A few discriminating listeners heard the flaws in the performance; the balance of the audience cheered.
Residue refers especially to what is left after something has undergone dissolution, depletion, or diminution: Only a residue of the conquered people remained.
Remnant denotes a small piece or quantity remaining after the major part has been used: The sum exceeded the remnant of his savings.
Leavings are the culls remaining after what is valuable has been taken away: The untouched leavings from the banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff.
Although remains often specifically refers to a corpse, it also applies to remnants, fragments, and relics, as of times past: fossil remains; remains of an ancient Greek temple; dispose of the remains of dinner.

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