List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 344

SYNONYMS: secret, stealthy, clandestine, furtive, surreptitious, underhand.
These adjectives apply to what is purposely concealed from view or knowledge.

Secret is the most general and therefore least strong in suggesting anything beyond this basic sense. She had trouble keeping a secret.
Stealthy is most often applied to action designed to achieve an end without attracting notice. They made a stealthy approach to the house.
Covert describes any act not taken openly. The CIA is often involved in covert operations.
Clandestine implies secrecy for the purpose of concealing illegal or improper actions. They were involved in a clandestine drug operation.
Furtive applies to action and suggests the slyness and evasiveness of a thief. The boy was very furtive in his actions.
Surreptitious usually describes quick, secret, often nefarious action. The TV set was surreptitiously taken by the workmen.
Underhand describes action or means involving unfairness, deceit, or fraud as well as concealment. He often works in an underhanded manner.

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