List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 348

SYNONYMS: series, succession, progression, sequence, chain, train, string.
These nouns denote a number of things placed or occurring one after the other.

Series refers to like, related, or identical things arranged or occurring in order: a series of days; a series of facts.
A succession is a series whose elements follow each other, generally in order of time and without interruption: a succession of failures.
A progression is a series that reveals a definite pattern of advance: a geometric progression.
In a sequence things follow one another in chronological or numerical order or in an order that indicates a causal or logical relationship or a recurrent pattern: a natural sequence of ideas.
Chain suggests a series of things that are closely linked or connected: the chain of command; a chain of proof.
Train can apply to a procession of people, animals, or vehicles or to a sequence of ideas or events: a train of mourners; my train of thought.

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