List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 378

SYNONYMS: strange, peculiar, odd, queer, quaint, outlandish, singular, eccentric, curious.
These adjectives describe what deviates from the usual or customary.

Strange refers especially to what is unfamiliar, unknown, or inexplicable: I do hate to go in the dark aboard a strange ship.
Peculiar particularly describes what is distinct from all others: The kitchen was redolent with the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves.
Something that is odd fails to accord with what is ordinary, usual, or expected, while something queer deviates markedly from the norm; both terms can suggest strangeness or peculiarity: I find it odd that his name is never mentioned. It was the queerest sight I've ever seen.
Quaint refers to pleasing or old-fashioned peculiarity: We wandered the quaint streets of New Orleans.
Outlandish suggests alien or bizarre strangeness: They were dressed in an outlandish fashion.
Singular describes what is unique or unparalleled; the term often suggests an unusual or peculiar quality that arouses curiosity or wonder: Such poise is singular in one so young.
Eccentric refers particularly to what departs strikingly from the recognized or conventional: Many consider Berlioz's compositions to be innovative but eccentric.
Curious suggests strangeness or novelty that excites interest: Americans living abroad often acquire a curious hybrid accent.

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