Evaluation of Subtle Differences of 426 Selected Sets of Synonyms -- A Total of 2307 Synonym Words - Page 19
This is a list of some selected words and how their synonyms differ in their meaning.
  1. latent, dormant, quiescent. These adjectives mean present or in existence but not active or manifest.
  2. lawyer, attorney, counselor, counsel, barrister, solicitor. These nouns denote persons who practice law.
  3. lean, spare, skinny, scrawny, lank, lanky, rawboned, gaunt. These adjectives mean lacking excess flesh.
  4. like, love, enjoy, relish, fancy, dote. These verbs mean to be attracted to or to find agreeable.
  5. level, flat, even, plane, smooth, flush. These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions.
  6. lift, raise, rear, elevate, hoist, heave, boost. These verbs mean to move something from a lower to a higher level or position.
  7. like, love, enjoy, relish, fancy, dote. These verbs mean to be attracted to or to find agreeable.
  8. likeness, similarity, similitude, resemblance, analogy, affinity. These nouns denote agreement or conformity, as in character, nature, or appearance between persons or things.
  9. limit, restrict, confine, circumscribe. These verbs mean to establish or keep within specified bounds.
  10. livelihood, living, subsistence, sustenance, maintenance, support, keep. These nouns denote the means needed to provide the necessities of life.
  11. living, alive, live, animate, animated, vital. These adjectives mean possessed of or exhibiting life.
  12. love, affection, devotion, fondness, infatuation. These nouns denote feelings of warm personal attachment or strong attraction to another person.
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