Guan Yu Statue Guan Yu Statue

Guan Yu Temple, Xuchang, Henan, China

7. Guan Yu Statue

Guan Yu was given a posthumous title of Zhuangchou Hou (Marquis of Zhuangchou). His son Guan Xing succeeded him. Guan Xing, styled Anguo, was one who seldom questioned commands, was very well favored by the Lieutenant Chancellor Zhuge Liang. Guan Xing was appointed as Shizhong (Palace Attendant) and Zhongjianjun (Superintendent of the Central Army) when his health failed. A few years later, he passed away. His son Guan Tong succeeded him and had a post of Huben Zhonglang Jiang (General of the Tiger Swiftness) and he died without a son.

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