History of China from 1600 to 1987 - Page 16
History of China: A College Paper By Paul Noll

K. Beginning of the CCP

A period of turmoil followed and many educated Chinese became convinced their country would be destroyed. Some began to explore possibilities for the future of China. Known as the May Fourth movement, some found hope in the doctrines of Marxist socialism and, were steered skillfully in this direction by international agents sent to China by the Soviet Union a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) formed in 1920. The first general meetings took place in 1921. Sun-Yat-sen's Guomindang (or Nationalist) party enjoyed wider prestige the CCP gave expression to China's aspirations in battling warlordism, landlordism, and foreign imperialism, and in addressing the plight of the growing industrial class. (Initially, cooperation in combating China's many problems the alliance would fall apart). After victory over the warlord armies in 1926, the CCP suffered monumental setbacks in 1927. Driven from the cities, they tried to regroup in the rural areas.

Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the Nationalist Party, brought China under one flag by 1928. With the help of the United States and Germany, the Nationalist made great strides in the infrastructure in education, transportation and urban services. Japan continued to hold Manchuria and pushed south of the Great Wall until China agreed to declare the northeast China a demilitarized zone.