History of China from 1600 to 1987 - Page 20
History of China: A College Paper By Paul Noll

N. Mao Zedong Supports the Peasants

The Guomindang in its military efforts alienated many of the rural peasants with conscriptions, theft, abuse of women and general cruelty. Mao, on the other hand, had set up a rapport with the civilian populations. He enforced strict discipline on his armies. He set out "The Three Main Rules of Discipline" and "The Eight Points for Attention." Failure to adhere to these could and did result in execution for the offenders.

The Three Main Rules of Discipline:

  1. Obey orders in all your actions.
  2. Do not take a single needle or piece of thread from the masses.
  3. Turn in everything captured.

The Eight Points for Attention:

  1. Speak politely.
  2. Pay fairly for what you buy.
  3. Return everything you borrow.
  4. Pay for what you damage.
  5. Do not hit or swear at people.
  6. Do not damage crops.
  7. Do not take liberties with women.
  8. Do not ill-treat captives.