History of China from 1600 to 1987 - Page 25
History of China: A College Paper By Paul Noll

Q. War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

As a result of the war, China drew closer to the Soviet Union, which appreciated China's loyalty to the Soviet Bloc. The Soviets made large amounts of military aid available although China had to pay for the aid. The CCP continued to grow at a steady pace rising to 1 million in 1945, 2 million in 1947, 3 million in 1948, 4 million in 1949 and 5 million in 1950. A campaign to expel all foreigners and confiscate foreign business began in 1950 and by the end of 1950 none remained in China. The Chinese required all Chinese Christians to register in the Patriotic Three Self-Movement Church. The CCP began a movement to rid itself of spies and "bad elements" arresting some 150,000 people and executing more than 28,000 between late 1950 and late 1951. The Public Security Police required everyone over the age of 15 to have a residence permit and get permission to move somewhere else. A campaign of the "Anti Five" (corruption and graft) netted more than 210,000 denunciations and eventually self-criticisms.