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581st Signal RR Co. on Hill 1157 in Korea, 1951
9. My First Home on Hill 1157 Being an enterprising individual I didn't think living in a pup tent was too good an idea. I had this dugout constructed for me by some Korean men. I covered it with canvas and it was nice to live in for a while. Notice I had a record player. I had bought some Korean records and played them for relaxation. I can still sing the songs that I learned from listening. Toragi, Aridong, Sa rong ha shim, Chosin Eguka, and many others I still remember and can still sing although my sons would claim I could not sing at all. The men also built me a table to store my stuff on so I could keep things out for use. It is being aired out now after a rain. My bed is a standard army cot and a standard army sleeping bag with a purchased pillow. It was a comfortable home for a while. The dugout was well ditched so it did not leak or fill with water. Being in the ground it was cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Hi-Res Pic (132K) ⇦ Back to Scene 8 Return to Page 2 On to Scene 10 ⇨ |