Richmond Relay Station Richmond Relay - 1969-70 41. Changsan Site above City of Pusan

When the Promotion Board adjourned the other signalmen from neighboring sites and I returned to our separate sites not knowing the results of our test. Each month there were only a few promotion openings so we all hoped for the best. Not long after I returned to Richmond Site I got a message to report to base camp at Stonestown as the lieutenant wanted to see me. Oh no, what had I done? I couldn't think of anything but I was worried anyhow. It turned out that I had made enough of a good impression on the colonel at HQ he wanted me to go to Pusan and set up a radio refresher course and school. I thought what did I step in now? How can I do this all by myself, no experience, not an instructor, no course outline, no radio equipment, just a building waiting on Hialeah Compound for its first class set to go in about two weeks.

Somehow I was able to get all the necessary parts and details put together enough to greet the first class. My friend Val Buchanan from Salem Site was among the 8 students but there were guys from Highpoint, Brooklyn, Dartboard and other Battalion South stations. I had a course outline and lectures written, desks and radio equipment for practical exercisers and even arranged for some local tours for information and recreation. We went to pay our respects at the Korean War Memorial and U.N. Cemetery in Pusan and to Chan san Mountain Tropospheric Scatter and Microwave Site. It was on a Hawk missile site overlooking the Sea of Japan. It had a 90 ft antenna that made a shot to an island between Korea and Japan then on to Japan. The antenna made the microwave tower look like a toy erector set. It was interesting to see the tropo radio system as I had never seen any before.

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