Russian Revisionist Opinion of the US Marines in Korea - Page 3

Capt. G Doidzhasvili, Soviet Navy

This is how the American monsters are behaving today in Korea. This is how they behaved dozens of years ago, also. The Wall Street bosses and the supreme American military command publicize in all possible ways the "combat services" of the U.S. Marine Corps, cynically calling them sometimes "our idol" and sometimes "our assault force." The process of surmising the true motives of such enthusiastic references does not present any great difficulties. The crux of the matter is that the American imperialists and the supreme military command of the U.S.A. consider the American Marines (and not without foundation) to be the most criminal elements in their armed forces and to be the most capable of discharging the gendarme-police functions of slaughters and despoilers. This is clearly attested by the bloody trail of crimes against humanity which has been blazed over a period of many decades by the U.S. Marines Corps.

The U.S. "Marine Corps" was formed in 1775 on the lines of the British "Marines" and its disciplinary manual which came into force a little later was based on the corresponding manual of the British armed forces, which have pursued a course of colonial oppression and violence in many countries of the world, i.e., it was formed for the same functions as the forces of the British colonial empire.

The American "Marine Corps," more exactly the corps of professional murderers and despoilers, is composed of 485,000 men. The Corps is led by a well-known reactionary General Clifton Cates.

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