General Zhang Renchu General Nei Fengzhi
of the PLA 26th and 27th Armies

December 29, 1950, Chinhung-ni , near Hamhung

The Chinese 9th Army Group headquarters unit occupies a school building. A partially damaged church is made into a field hospital. A column of trucks transport wounded soldiers to a railway station for the long journey to China.

Mao Zedong sent General Chen Yi to find out why the 9th Field Army has performed so miserably. Yi meets with the front field army commanders, Zhang Renchu of the 26th Field Army (top) and Nie Fengzhi of the 27th Field Army (bottom).

General Yi concludes that the failure was due to:

  1. Bad weather - the Chinese armies were not properly clothed for the extreme cold and tens of thousands froze to death;
  2. Inadequate supply - soldiers ran out of ammunition and grenades at critical points and had to break off.
  3. Lack of air cover resulted in unnecessary delays and deaths.
  4. Lack of artillery - the troops had to rely on small arms, grenades and satchel charges that often failed to explode.
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