Deadly Toxins and Why you need Pressure Canners - 9A
Bacteria Bacteria are not easily destroyed. Certain bacteria actually thrive at temperatures that destroy molds and yeasts. Salmonella is destroyed when held at 140 degrees F. Staphylococcus and aureus, or "staph," is destroyed if food is kept above 140 degrees F. Staph bacteria produce a toxin that must be destroyed by heating the product to 240 degrees F for the time specified by a tested home canning recipe.

Botulism Botulism is a food poisoning caused by the bacterium Clostridum botulinum. This bacteria is also readily destroyed by boiling; however, the toxin producing spores cannot readily be destroyed at 212 degrees F. Furthermore, the botulism-causing bacteria thrives on low acids in the absence of air in moist environments -- exactly the conditions inside a jar of canned vegetables, meats and other low acid foods. Because of bacteria spores and the toxins they produce, low-acid foods must be processed at 240 degrees F, which is hotter than the boiling point of water. This can be accomplished only with a steam-pressure canner.

Neurotoxins Food poisoning can really do a number on the very young and the very old. It only takes once. I'm sure in the old days they did all sorts of things people don't do now days. 40 years ago, who wore seat belts? Botulism is a group of seven related neurotoxins that are the most potent neurotoxins known. It is 275 times more toxic than cyanide, and 100,000 more toxic than sarin nerve gas. Crystalline botulinum toxin has been turned into a military weapon as it is the most poisonous substance known to man. The amount of a single gram, evenly dispersed and inhaled, would kill more than a million people. [from The Wednesday Report Canada's Aerospace and Defense Weekly]. Now, do you really want to risk eating some of that?