Oregon Fawn Lily Flower Oregon Fawn Lily Leaves

Flowers Growing at our Home

Oregon Fawn Lily

Etythronium oregonum We spotted this lone lily in our lower pasture/woodlot while walking looking for new flowers in April 2005. Two large spotted leaves stand upright like a curious fawn with its ears perked. The pale pink or white petal tips have a little twist at the ends. Lilies are edible and bears especially like them in spring. Also known as Addler's Tongue, Glacier Lily, or Dogtooth Violet. Height 4 to 15 inches. Ours stood at least 15 inches high. This plant blooms each year but we have to vigilant to get there before the deer eat them. This year we took the leaf picture but when we went back the next day the deer had eaten the blooms.

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Fawn Lily Flowers Fawn Lily Plant

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