D River from the Air

8. D River from the Air

Here you can see how short the D River is. Lincoln City, named by Kitelines Magazine as one of the best places to fly kites in North America, celebrates with three kite festivals each year, two outdoors and one indoors. Situated on the 45th parallel, Lincoln City is positioned at the ideal point for mixing warm equatorial air and cold polar air, which creates ideal winds for outdoor flying. In addition, the clean air flowing directly off the ocean is preferred by kite flying experts, and novices will see a difference in their abilities as well. The Summer Kite Festival, which will be held June 26 and 27 at the D-River Wayside from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., sports activities for fliers and watchers of all ages.

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D River Beach Wayside Area from the Air