5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 240
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
gravity noun Newton discovered the laws of gravity. attraction
noun The gravity of the situation is great. seriousness
graze verb The horses grazed in the pasture. browsed
verb The two cars grazed each other. scraped
grease noun Grease reduces friction in bearings. lubricants
verb You should grease the car each month. lubricate
great adj. The dance was held in a great hall. spacious
adj. We traveled a great distance. large in number
adj. America is one of the great nations. powerful
greatly adj. He is greatly admired in the West. immensely
greed noun Greed will rob a man of his senses. avarice
greedy adj. She was a greedy person. covetous