1. Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are the most important group and also the one that will give you the most problems in speaking and writing correct English. A personal pronoun is a pronoun that shows by its form whether it refers to the person speaking, the person spoken to, or the person or thing spoken of. All of the personal pronouns, with the exception of the pronoun it, refer to persons.

  1. First person - personal pronouns referring to the speaker:
    I, my, mine me (singular)
    we, our, ours, us (plural)
  2. Second person - personal pronouns referring to the person spoken to:
    you, your, yours, (same forms for both singular and plural)
  3. Third person - personal pronouns referring to the persons or things spoken about:
    he, his him, she, her, hers, it, its (singular)
    they, their, theirs, them (plural)
  4. Forms of the personal pronoun who:
    who, whose, whom