The Noll's Favorite Collection of Proverbs -- Page 8
Proverb Translation

113. Oaks may fall when reeds bend.
114. An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.
115. An old ox makes a straight furrow.
116. Omelets are not made without breaking eggs.
117. One enemy is too many - 1000 friends too few.
118. Every path has a puddle.
119. If you don't pay a servant his wages - he will pay himself.
120. Penny wise - and pound-foolish.
121. Don't pour water on a drowned mouse.
122. It is easier to pull down than to build.
123. If you run after two rabbits you will catch neither.
124. He that seeks trouble never misses.
125. He who serves God for rewards will serve the devil for better wages.
126. Shallow streams make the most noise.
127. Silence gives consent.
128. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

113. Don't be too rigid in your ways - bend a little.
114. Opportunity doesn't always return for a second visit.
115. Experience and maturity can contribute to success.
116. Somebody may be upset over anything you do.
117. Avoid making enemies.
118. Every endeavor has some problems to solve.
119. It you cheat a servant they will cheat you in return.
120. It's foolish to save a penny and waste a dollar.
121. Don't shoot someone already dead.
122. It's easier to tear down (criticize) than to build (praise).
123. Two things done halfway don't make one whole.
124. You will find evil if you are looking for it.
125. Loyalty for money is not loyalty.
126. Empty people make the greatest noise.
127. Evil can only survive when the good don't object.
128. There are some things you cannot change.

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