Page 3 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
33. callously verb Callously she replied to us. emotionally hardened; unfeeling; indifference to others
34. capriciously verb He capriciously offered his reason. subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable
35. carelessly verb Carelessly she handled the old painting. negligent; lack of forethought; heedless
36. carnally verb He carnally desired her attention. relating to physical sexual appetites
37. casually verb She casually admitted her involvement. offhand; informal; not serious
38. cataclysmically adjective It was a cataclysmically sudden change. violent upheaval; violent and sudden change
39. caustically verb Caustically he recalled the event. causing an intense emotion ; use of irony or sarcasm
40. cheaply adjective His cheaply casual behavior distressed us. achieved with little effort; vulgar or contemptible
41. childishly adjective It was a childishly foolish prank. lack of maturity; not complicated; simple
42. churlishly verb He behaved churlishly at work. boorish or vulgar; surly; bad disposition
43. cliquishly verb She cliquishly decided things. acting in a small exclusive group
44. clumsily verb The problem was handled clumsily. lacking physical coordination, skill or grace; awkward
45. coarsely verb He spoke somewhat coarsely to her. low, common of inferior quality; lacking in delicacy
46. conceitedly verb He conceitedly bragged at times. holding a high opinion of oneself; vain
47. contentiously verb He contentiously dismissed her objections. quarrelsome; argumentative; belligerent
48. corruptly verb She corruptly handled the situation. marked by immorality; depraved; dishonest
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