Page 4 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
49. costively verb He costively solved problems slow; sluggish; stingy
50. cowardly verb He cowardly cringed under his bed. particularly ignoble fear
51. cravenly verb Cravenly he crept away. characterized by abject fear
52. crookedly verb He crookedly swindled the lady. dishonest or unscrupulous. fraudulent
53. crudely verb She crudely punished the children. Lacking taste, tact or refinement
54. cruelly verb The officer treated the men cruelly disposed to inflict pain; causing suffering
55. cunningly verb She cunningly lied about her activities. marked by artful subtlety and deceptiveness
56. curtly verb He curtly replied to our question. rudely brief or abrupt; gruff; tactless
57. deadly adjective It was a deadly serious situation. to an extreme; suggested death
58. deceitfully verb She deceitfully avoided the truth. given to cheating or deceiving; dishonest
59. deceptively verb She deceptively described the situation. In a deceiving manner
60. defiantly verb They defiantly refused to leave. boldly resisting; intentionally contemptuous
61. deleteriously verb It deleteriously caused many problems. having a harmful effect; injurious
62. derisively verb They derisively answered our objections. mocking; jeering
63. desolately adjective it was a desolately dingy cottage. dreary; dismal; bereft of hope
64. despondently verb She despondently spoke of her loss. feeling hopelessness; forlorn, heartbroken
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