Page 13 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
193. maliciously verb He maliciously spread rumors about her. deliberately harmful; spiteful
194. malignantly verb He malignantly interjected spiteful rumors. disposed to do evil; highly injurious; pernicious
195. menacingly verb He menacingly held a long knife. act of threatening; endanger
196. miserably adjective He led a miserably sad life. uncomfortable or unhappy; wretched; shameful
197. mistakenly verb She mistakenly corrected her friend. wrong or incorrect in opinion or understanding
198. mockingly verb He mockingly mimicked his neighbor. to treat with ridicule or contempt; deride
199. monotonously verb She monotonously delivered her lesson. tediously repetitious or lacking in variety
200. monstrously adjective It was a monstrously evil movie. shockingly hideous or frightful; abnormal
201. moodily verb He moodily surveyed his chances of success. temperamental; sullen or gloomy mood
202. morbidly adjective She often had morbidly grisly thoughts. unwholesome thoughts or feelings; gruesome
203. morosely verb He morosely considered his chances. sullenly melancholy; gloomy; unsmiling
204. mortally verb He was mortally wounded in the battle. liable or subject to death; dire
205. mournfully verb She mournfully considered her friend's death. feeling or expressing sorrow or grief; sadness; gloomy
206. mundanely adjective She dwelled on mundanely simple things. concern with commonplaces; ordinary; materialistic
207. murderously adjective He was capable of murderously evil thoughts. capable of, guilty of, or intending murder
208. mutinously adjective It was mutinously thoughtless behavior. unruly, disaffected; not submissive to authority
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