Page 23 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
353. wantonly adjective It was a wantonly evil suggestion. immoral or unchaste; lewd; gratuitously cruel
354. whimsically verb She whimsically suggested a solution. determined by or marked by whim or caprice
355. wickedly adjective She suggested a wickedly evil solution. evil by nature or in practice; highly offensive
356. woefully verb They were woefully inept in their work. deplorably bad or wretched
357. woodenly verb He woodenly approached each problem. clumsy and awkward; ungainly
358. wordily verb He often wordily expressed his ideas. tending to use more words than needed
359. wretchedly adjective He was in a wretchedly awful situation. contemptible; despicable; deplorable state of distress
360. wrongly verb She wrongly accused him of treachery. unlawful; unjust; prohibited; illegal
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