Definitions of Selective Adverbs Modifying When - Page 2
This list depicts a list of adverbs that show "When" or "Time" when modifying words.
Word Type Used in a Sentence Definitions
16. lately verb Lately we have been ill. not long ago; recently
17. later verb We will meet them later. after the expected, usual, or proper time
18. momentarily verb The noise stopped momentarily. for a moment; very soon; in a moment; for a short period
19. monthly verb The electric bill comes monthly. once a month; every month
20. never verb Never loan money to friends. not ever; on no occasion; at no time; not at all
21. now verb You must pay now. at the present time; at once; immediately
22. often verb Often she gets drunk. many times; frequently
23. once verb You should bathe once a day. one time only; once a day; at any time
24. previously verb He had previously been in the army. existing or occurring before something else; prior
25. promptly verb She promptly did her duties. carried out without delay;
26. quickly verb He quickly came to help us. without delay; moving rapidly; speedily
27. rarely verb She rarely uses vulgar language. not often; infrequently
28. recently verb They recently had been in a war. occurring at a time immediately before the present
29. scarcely verb She scarcely came before me. by a small margin; barely; almost not; hardly
30. seldom verb I seldom see her anymore. not often; infrequently or rarely
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