Some Confusing English Words - Page 37
Weather Vane
    361. tortuous, torturous
  1. Tortuous - winding; twisty; devious
  2. Torturous - cruelly painful
    362. track, tract
  1. Track - a trail
  2. Tract - a treatise; a piece of land
    363. trial, trail
  1. Trial - examination; an experiment; hardship
  2. Trail - a path
    364. undo, undue
  1. Undo - to open; to tender ineffective
  2. Undue - improper; excessive
    365. urban, urbane
  1. Urban - pertaining to the city
  2. Urbane - polished; suave
    366. use, used
  1. Use - to employ for the purpose of
  2. Used - not new; secondhand; accustomed
    367. vain, vane, vein
  1. Vain - proud; conceited; futile
  2. Vane - a weathercock
  3. Vein - a blood vessel; a bed of mineral material
    368. vale, veil
  1. Vale - a valley
  2. Veil - a concealing cover of cloth
    369. vendee, vendor
  1. Vendee - purchaser
  2. Vendor - seller
    370. veracious, voracious
  1. Veracious - truthful
  2. Voracious - greedy