Some Confusing English Words - Page 38
Pipe Vise
    371. veracity, voracity
  1. Veracity - truthfulness
  2. Voracity - ravenousness; greediness
    372. vice, vise
  1. Vice - wickedness; a prefix used to designate titles of office
  2. Vise - a clamp
    373. waist, waste
  1. Waist - part of the body
  2. Waste - needless destruction; useless consumption; to expend uselessly
    374. wait, weight
  1. Wait - to stay
  2. Weight - heaviness
    375. waive, wave
  1. Waive - to give up
  2. Wave - a billow; a gesture; to swing back and forth
    376. waiver, waver
  1. Waiver - the giving up of a claim
  2. Waver - to hesitate
    377. want, wont, won't
  1. Want - a need; to lack, to desire
  2. Wont - a custom (pronounced like want)
  3. Won't contraction of will not
    378. ware, wear, were, where
  1. Ware - goods
  2. Wear - to have on
  3. Were - form of to be
  4. Where - at the place in which
    379. way, weigh
  1. Way - direction; distance; manner
  2. Weigh - to find the weight of
    380. weak, week
  1. Weak - not strong
  2. Week - period of seven days