List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 159

SYNONYMS: fat, obese, corpulent, fleshy, portly, stout, pudgy, rotund, plump, chubby.
These adjectives mean having an abundance and often an excess of flesh.

Fat implies excessive weight and is generally unfavorable in its connotations: not merely overweight but downright fat.
Obese and corpulent imply gross overweight: She was a woman of robust frame though stout, not obese Her father is too corpulent to play handball.
Fleshy implies a not necessarily excessive abundance of flesh: firm, fleshy arms.
Portly and stout are sometimes used as polite terms to describe fatness. In stricter application portly refers to a person whose bulk is combined with a stately or imposing bearing, and stout, to a person with a thickset, bulky figure: He was a portly, rubicund man of middle age. Even slim girls can become stout matrons.
Pudgy means short and fat: pudgy fingers.
Rotund suggests roundness of figure, often in a squat person: He was a pink-faced rotund specimen of prosperity.
Plump applies to a pleasing fullness of figure: a plump, rosy little girl.
A chubby person is round and plump: a chubby toddler; chubby cheeks.

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