Evaluation of Subtle Differences of 426 Selected Sets of Synonyms -- A Total of 2307 Synonym Words -- Page 14
This is a list of some selected words and how their synonyms differ in their meaning.
  1. fashion, style, mode, vogue. These nouns refer to a prevailing or preferred manner of dress, adornment, behavior, or way of life at a given time.
  2. fast, rapid, swift, fleet, speedy, quick, hasty, expeditious. These adjectives refer to something, such as activity or movement, marked by great speed.
  3. fat, obese, corpulent, fleshy, portly, stout, pudgy, rotund, plump, chubby. These adjectives mean having an abundance and often an excess of flesh.
  4. fatal, deadly, mortal, lethal. These adjectives apply to what causes or is likely to cause death.
  5. fault, failing, weakness, vice. These nouns denote an imperfection or deficiency of character
  6. favorable, propitious, auspicious, benign, conducive. These adjectives describe what is indicative of a successful outcome.
  7. fear, fright, dread, terror, horror, panic, alarm, dismay, consternation, trepidation. These nouns all denote the agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.
  8. feeling, emotion, passion, sentiment. These nouns refer to complex and usually strong subjective human response, such as love or hate.
  9. feminine, female, womanly, womanish, effeminate, ladylike. These adjectives mean "of, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to women."
  10. flagrant, glaring, gross, egregious, rank. These adjectives refer to what is conspicuously bad or offensive.
  11. flash, gleam, glance, glint, sparkle, glitter, glisten, shimmer, glimmer, twinkle, scintillate. These verbs mean to send forth light.
  12. follow, succeed, ensue, result. These verbs mean to come after something or someone.
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